RMLfx 2025

  • The cat is judging me.
  • Next year is the year I will start working out more.
  • Distortion Filters and stuff...
  • Hang on....

Thank you for your purchase

If you have purchased something in stock we will get that out to you ASAP! Our shipping cut off time in Portland OR. is 1pm Mon-Fri. In the event that we need to bang out something please allow a couple of days.

  • You can contact us directly at: johnathan@rmlfx.com
  • We typically will e mail you back to let you know we got your order or you will receive shipping info generated by PayPal when we print your label.


If you have just paid a deposit for a custom order here is a little info on the process:

  • We will invoice you when your order is ready (or about ready) to ship. By having paid a deposit we know you are serious about placing your order. We can spend our time building you something special. You can always opt to pay in full if you like. Just e mail us.
  • The construction of wood boxes are what take the longest. Wood must be cut to size and pieces need to be routed to fit together. Once the parts are done they are clamped and glued together. Gluing takes about a day.
  • Boxes are then milled and sanded. Edges smoothed, and distressed.
  • Color stain is applied. This can take a couple of days to dry depending on the type of stain. Final coats of finish then take a couple of days to dry.
  • Aluminum panels must be drilled to your specific design. Because we use vintage meters of all sizes we don’t pre-cut the panels until the meter is chosen and tested for your project.
  • Meters are old. Sometimes 40 to 70 years old. They can be temperamental. Each meter has to be balanced to work with your specific circuit. This makes mass production of boards difficult. Sometimes intended meters do not work to our standards and a replacement must be found.
  • Sometimes parts need to be ordered. This can cause a delay. We try to keep most parts on hand and will always notify you when we are waiting on something. The supply chain has been difficult to say the least.

Additional things to consider:

  • We want to complete your order as soon as possible. We don’t get paid until your project is finished.
  • At any time you feel the order is taking to long or are just curious how things are coming please contact me directly at johnathan@RMLfx.com
  • If for any reason you would like to cancel your order for a refund that is ok. Again, just e mail me. Orders can not be cancelled after your unit has shipped. Service fees are only applied if resources are spent on something uniquely specific to you. For instance your name etched in an aluminum plate.
  • Custom order time can vary depending on complexity of the project and current work load.
  • We only ship to the address provided to us through the PayPal service.

And most importantly, we would love to hear some of your music. Hours in the shop can be much more enjoyable when we can listen to the music our customers produce! E mail us with any links and we will be great full!

Site still under construction.

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